
NCS Pte. Ltd. (NCS) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have established a joint research lab that is hosted in NUS to conduct research, develop capabilities and innovative digital solutions to protect individuals, businesses and public agencies in Singapore from a wide range of cyber threats. The joint lab is governed by a Management Committee comprising members from NUS and NCS.

The Joint Laboratory will conduct research in three broad areas of cyber security having strategic relevance to NCS’s business:
(1) AI and Security;
(2) Cyber-Physical System Security;
(3) Data Security and Privacy.


NUS-NCS Joint Laboratory for Cyber Security aims to achieve to:
(1) develop new technologies to increase NCS’s long -term business competitiveness;
(2) to achieve short-term and/or immediate goals of NCS by improving operational efficiencies;
(3) to enhance R&D capability of NCS and NUS;
(4) to train manpower for NCS and Singapore in computer security, including those fields of technology in which problems of computer security arise and/or which provide a basis for solutions to the problems, among which are data analytics, machine learning, software analysis, computer networks, cloud computing, cryptography, Internet-of-Things, industrial control systems, and;
(5) to develop new scientific and engineering knowledge and intellectual property in computer security.