The National University of Singapore (NUS) seeks Research Fellows, Research Assistants and interns in cyber security.

The researchers will be working as part of the NUS-NCS Joint Laboratory for Cyber Security with funding from NUS and Singtel.

Research Position Openings

Intern / Research Assistant / Research Fellow

The National University of Singapore invites applications for the positions of Research Fellow/Research Assistant/Interns in the School of Computing (SoC). The Research Fellows/Assistants/Interns will work closely with the Principal Investigator and lab members on research projects, and/or assist in enhancement of cybersecurity curriculum.


  • For Research Fellow Position:
    A PhD degree in a relevant area; Good publication record; and experience in research.
  • For Research Assistant Position:
    A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant area (Computer science and software security); Sophisticated programming skills; and background or substantial interests in artificial intelligence, security and networks.
  • For Intern Position:
    Currently pursuing undergraduate study, strong system/network development skills and general computer science or computer engineering background are expected.

Lab Overview

NCS Pte. Ltd. and the National University of Singapore (NUS) are partnering in a corporate research lab hosted at NUS and focusing broadly on cyber security.

NCS Group (also known as NCS Pte. Ltd. or “NCS”, previously known as National Computer Systems) is a multinational information technology and communications engineering company headquartered in Singapore. Found in 1981 as an agency of the Singapore government, it was privatized in 1996 and subsequently became part of the Singtel group in 1997.
NCS is a leading technology services firm, operating across Asia Pacific, providing specialization services and solutions in 55 areas including consulting, digital, technology, cybersecurity and more.
NCS believes in the power of technology to make extraordinary things happen and to create lasting impact and value for our people, communities, and partners.
It brings together people and expertise to harness the best of technology. Its diverse 10,000 strong workforce located in more than 15 countries has delivered a wealth of large-scale, mission-critical, and multi-platform projects for governments and enterprises in Singapore and the APAC region.

The National University of Singapore is a leading global university generally recognized as the top university in Asia. It has existing peaks of strength in several areas relevant to cyber security within its School of Computing (SoC) and Faculty of Engineering (FOE) and it has identified cyber security as a strategic growth area for research impact, technology translation, and interaction with industry.

The lab is bringing together these two leading organizations in Singapore with complimentary capabilities in cyber security to address a broad array of the most critical challenges in cyber security for Singapore industry and society. The lab will be directed by Prof. Chan Mun Choon from NUS along with Dr. Lim Hoon Wei from NCS. The research activities of the lab will be supervised by PIs from SoC and FOE, in collaboration with engineers and researchers from NCS. The result will be the creation and commercialization of a significant and diverse body of new technologies in cyber security, along with the training of significant numbers of new PhDs, researchers and engineers in cyber security. Researchers with good performance will have the opportunity to join NCS after their stints with the Lab. There is also a possibility for researchers to receive a share of royalties for the IP they produce.

Lab Details

The lab will conduct research in three broad areas of cyber security having strategic relevance to NCS’s business:
(1) AI Security
(2) Data Security and Privacy
(3) Cyber-Physical System Security
In addition, the lab will opportunistically expand its research to cover other emerging important problem areas and NCS business objectives as appropriate.

Requested Background

Applicants should have a demonstrated successful track-record of prior research work, and have a keen interest in participating in high-impact research within a large, multi-disciplinary corporate lab, and expertise in at least one of the research areas of the lab mentioned below. A keen interest in experimentation and system-building is beneficial, as is specific expertise in security and privacy, mobile computing, AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning, cloud computing technologies, networked and distributed systems, and the Internet of Things Security. Research Fellows (RFs) must hold a PhD in a relevant area, and Research Assistants (RAs) should have completed their first degree or ideally a Masters degree in a relevant area.

Application Process

If interested, please send your application including a cover letter, CV and a brief statement of prior research. The initial term of appointment will be one year, extensible to more years upon satisfactory performance and availability of funding. Selected candidates will be offered competitive salaries and benefits, with support to travel to conferences for dissemination of research results. Singapore is a vibrant, well-connected city with low taxes and is a global research hub centre in Asia. NUS is a world-class university that provides an outstanding, supportive research environment.

To Apply

E-mail your materials to Informal inquiries about the position may be directed to that address.

Consent to Use Personal Data

By sending your data to the email address listed above, you: (i) consent to the collection, processing, use, and disclosure of your personal data as outlined in this notice; (ii) expressly permit NUS-NCS Joint Laboratory for Cyber Security and its representatives to share this notice with third parties and third party organisations; (iii) hereby authorise all such persons to disclose to NUS-NCS Joint Laboratory for Cyber Security any of your personal data reasonably requested by NUS-NCS Joint Laboratory for Cyber Security for one or more of the specific purposes as described above.